The Assassination of Richard Nixon 2004

Crime Biography Drama

Based on real life events, Assassination is set in 1974 and centers on a businessman who decides to take extreme measures to achieve his American dream.

Todos los títulos
  • US: The Assassination of Richard Nixon The Assassination of Richard Nixon
  • AR: Días de furia Días de furia
  • BE: L'assassinat de Richard Nixon L'assassinat de Richard Nixon
  • BR: O Assassinato de um Presidente O Assassinato de um Presidente
  • BG: Атентатът срещу Ричард Никсън Атентатът срещу Ричард Никсън
  • CA: L'assassinat de Richard Nixon L'assassinat de Richard Nixon
  • CA: The Assassination of Richard Nixon The Assassination of Richard Nixon
  • DK: Attentat på Nixon Attentat på Nixon
  • EE: Atentaat Richard Nixonile Atentaat Richard Nixonile
  • FI: Richard Nixonin salamurha Richard Nixonin salamurha
  • FR: The Assassination of Richard Nixon The Assassination of Richard Nixon
  • DE: Attentat auf Richard Nixon Attentat auf Richard Nixon
  • GR: I dolofonia tou Richard Nixon I dolofonia tou Richard Nixon
  • GR: Η δολοφονία του Ρίτσαρντ Νίξον Η δολοφονία του Ρίτσαρντ Νίξον
  • HU: A Richard Nixon-merénylet A Richard Nixon-merénylet
  • IT: The Assassination The Assassination
  • JP: リチャード・ニクソン暗殺を企てた男 リチャード・ニクソン暗殺を企てた男
  • LV: Ričarda Niksona slepkavība Ričarda Niksona slepkavība
  • LT: Pasikesinimas i Ričardą Niksoną Pasikesinimas i Ričardą Niksoną
  • NO: Assassination of Richard Nixon Assassination of Richard Nixon
  • PL: Zabić prezydenta Zabić prezydenta
  • PT: O Assassínio de Richard Nixon O Assassínio de Richard Nixon
  • RO: Asasinarea lui Richard Nixon Asasinarea lui Richard Nixon
  • RU: Убить президента. Покушение на Ричарда Никсона Убить президента. Покушение на Ричарда Никсона
  • RS: Ubistvo Ričarda Niksona Ubistvo Ričarda Niksona
  • ES: El asesinato de Richard Nixon El asesinato de Richard Nixon
  • SE: Attentatet mot Richard Nixon Attentatet mot Richard Nixon
  • TR: Richard Nixon'a Suikast Richard Nixon'a Suikast
  • UA: The Assassination of Richard Nixon The Assassination of Richard Nixon
  • US: The Assassination of L.B.J. The Assassination of L.B.J.
  • US: The Assassination of Richard Nixon The Assassination of Richard Nixon
Fecha de lanzamiento 22 Oct 2004
Enlace IMDb
